Subtle Signs That You’re Actually Wealthy
It’s easy to feel like you’re behind when your social media feeds are filled with friends taking lavish vacations and buying new cars. But your financial fitness may be better than you realize — even if your wallet isn’t bulging.
Contrary to how it may seem on the surface, being wealthy isn’t always signified by the stuff you have, the size of your home, or the label on your jeans. True financial freedom is harder to spot.
Once you stop focusing on traditional markers of wealth, you begin to see how rich you really are. Here are a few signs that you’re well-off that you’re probably overlooking.
You save Money
You Invest
You live COMFORTABLY below your means
You can buy the things you WANT, even if you have to save for a little while to get them.
You can afford to retire on time. (And NOT go back to work)
You can consider things besides money, when making decisions
You spend money on things that give you back time.
You're NOT being pulled down by debt
You invest in YOURSELF (Coach speaks on this ALL OF THE TIME)
You increase your net worth - not have flashy things that look good and drag you down fiscally.
You can focus on the quality of the item, not the price.
You make sure that you have peace of mind. ALL assets are covered in case of disaster.
You have a strong network. You surround yourself with people that check on you, advise and help you during hard times. (Another one of Coach's nugget)
You share time and money with others.
Lastly, you partake in activities that have meaning to you.
This is sound financial wisdom.